Terms of Service

1. General terms

1.1 The contract comes into effect with Aurojuli, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 11, 10178 Berlin, owner: Anke Hentschel-Stüssi, M.A., Tel: +49 1713662645, https://www.aurojuli.com, info@aurojuli.com.

1.2 The following general business terms apply to all deliveries, services to, and orders by the client with Aurojuli (referred to as „we“ and „online shop“) in the version valid at the time of order placement. Aberrations or terms contradictory to these conditions will not be recognized, unless specifically confirmed by us.

1.3 We wish to point out that the German version of the general terms of service of Aurojuli is the valid contractual text. The English version is merely a translation of the German version. For all legal questions and contractual terms it is the German version that is binding.

2. Termination of contract

2.1 The items showcased by Aurojuli in the internet comprise an unconditional offer to the client to order goods in our online shop. All products, product descriptions and prices are valid, barring error.

2.2 You can view all the Aurojuli products in the online shop and, insofar as they are deliverable, place them in your shopping basket. During the checkout process you can determine the destination and billing addresses as well as the means of payment and method of delivery. Before you send us the order you have the option to review and, if needed, correct every detail of the order. By pushing the „Complete order“ button, you confirm the purchase. By ordering the desired goods in the internet the client makes a legally binding commitment to the completion of a sale contract.

2.3 Internet orders at Aurojuli are confirmed without delay by email sent to the email address provided by the client. You are obligated to report any variance between this confirmation and your order. The order confirmation as well as the acceptance of a telephone order do not as yet constitute a legal acceptance on our part. Our acceptance of the offer occurs only when we have prepared the article for shipment to you. You will receive a written shipment confirmation by email within 2 days.

2.4 Your orders are filed by us. You will find all the data of the order you placed with us in the order confirmation you received immediately upon the fulfillment of your order, which can be printed out. The general terms of service as well as the cancellation procedure are attached to the email as PDF files.

2.5 The contractual object is the product ordered by the client. The offer description is binding with respect to the properties of the object, further regulations are covered by § 434 Section 1, Line 3 BGB.


3. Cancellation information

Cancellation right

You have the right to cancel this contract within 14 days without justification. The right of cancellation is valid for fourteen days from the day that you or a third party named by you who is not the deliverer, have or has taken possession of the product. In order to exercise your cancellation right, you must inform us:

Anke Hentschel-Stüssi
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 11
10178 Berlin

with a clear declaration (i.e. per postal letter or email) about your decision to cancel the contract. You may use the included sample cancellation form but that is not required.

To meet the cancellation deadline it's enough to send off the communication concerning the implementation of the cancellation right before the end of the cancellation period.

Consequences of cancellation

If you cancel the contract, we are obliged to pay back all payments received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs incurred by your choosing a delivery mode different from the standard low-cost delivery offered by us), without delay and no later than fourteen days after the day on which your cancellation of the contract was received by us. For this reimbursement we will utilize the same method of payment you used with the original payment, unless something else was expressly arranged with you; in no way will you be billed costs for this repayment.

We can refuse repayment until we have received the product or until you have provided proof of the return shipment, whichever occurs first.

You must send or hand over the product to us without delay or at the latest within fourteen days from the day you informed us about the cancellation of the contract. The deadline is met if you send the product off before the end of the fourteen-day time period.

You will bear the immediate costs of the return of the goods.

You must only compensate us for a loss of value of the product if such loss of value was caused by undue use by your testing of the product as to its composition, traits, and operation.

End of cancellation guide

Here you can access the cancellation form as a PDF to download.


Exception to / Expiration of the cancellation right

The right of cancellation does not extend to contracts for the delivery of products that are not prefabricated and for which an individual selection or purpose determined by the consumer is determining or which are clearly tailored to the personal needs of the consumer, and it expires prematurely in contracts calling for the delivery of sealed goods, which are not suitable for return due to health protection issues or hygiene, if the seal is removed upon delivery.

The cancellation right is null and void for all made-to-order and products personalised for the client.

4. Delivery

4.1 All articles will be delivered promptly, if available ex store. The articles will be delivered to the delivery address indicated by the client on the order.

4.2 Delivery takes place in Germany, in countries of the EU as well as in countries outside the EU.

4.3 Delivery time within Germany takes, unless indicated otherwise in the offer, a maximum of 1-3 workdays.

Delivery time to foreign countries within the EU takes, unless indicated otherwise in the offer, a maximum of 3-6 workdays.

Delivery time to foreign countries outside the EU takes, unless indicated otherwise in the offer, a maximum of 21 workdays.

4.4 Should an article not be readily available, we will inform you by email about the expected delivery time, as long as we have your address. Please take into account, that the articles we offer are not mass-produced. All of our articles are carefully crafted by hand and require a certain time for their production.
Your legal rights are not affected.

4.5 In the case of prolonged unavailability Aurojuli is committed to informing the client accordingly without delay. In this case both parties have the right to abrogate the contract. Aurojuli is obligated, in such a case, to remand payments already made.

4.6 If the transportation company returns the expedited goods to Aurojuli because it was unable to deliver the goods to the client, the client bears the costs of the unsuccessful shipment. This does not apply when the client is exercising his cancellation right, when he has had no hand in the circumstances that led to the inability to deliver, or when he was temporarily prevented from accepting the preferred service, unless Aurojuli advised him well in advance of the service.

5. Packaging and expedition costs

5.1 The packaging costs are included in the delivery costs. We send all orders exclusively by means of a delivery mode that is traceable via a tracking number.

We offer the following means of delivery: DHL Package, DHL Express.

5.2 For deliveries within Germany we charge
DHL Package: € 5.49
DHL ExpressEasy National: € 14

5.3 For deliveries within the EU we charge
DHL Package: € 13.99

5.4 For deliveries to Switzerland and Great Britain we charge
DHL Package: € 26.90

5.5 For deliveries to the rest of Europe we charge
DHL Package: € 29.99

5.6 For deliveries ouside of Europe we charge
DHL Package: € 30.99 - € 45.99 (depending on your destination address)

6. Customs or import duties for the delivery of goods ouside the EU

All orders with Aurojuli, that are to be delivered outside the EU, may be subject to import duties and taxes. Any additional cost for customs clearance must be covered by the client. We have no say in the fees raised by destination countries and cannot communicate these in advance. The customs regulations of destination countries are not uniform. Should you require more exact information regarding this, please refer to the customs authority in your area. Please observe the pertinent local laws when importing goods.

7. Payment, ownership reservation

7.1 All given prices are brutto prices in Euros, which contain the legal goods and services tax (MwSt) of 19%. Prices are those valid on the date of the order.

7.2 Delivery within Germany, EU and non-EU countries may be paid by the following methods:

by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express)
by PayPal
by Express checkout (Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal Express)

In the Express payment option adress information is provided directly by the service providers.

7.3 By deliveries within Germany only there is another payment option:

KLARNA Sofortüberweisung

7.4 Payment is due immediately upon completion of the contract. Aurojuli can annul the contract if payment is not made within 14 days of the signing of the contract.

7.5 Until payment has been made in its entirety the goods remain our property (ownership reservation according to §§158, 449 BGB). The client must inform us immediately concerning any legal seizure by third parties of the reserved merchandise and forward the necessary documents for an intervention; this applies also to any other interference. Independent thereof the client must advise any third party of the legal status of the goods.

7.6 Aurojuli offers price reductions in discounts on its wares at certain times or for certain events. The time frame and extent of these discounts are determined by Aurojuli. Should you wish to return one or more articles you bought during the sale, the reduction becomes void and cannot be remunerated. The appropriate non-sale expenses will be returned via the same payment method employed by the original purchase.

8. Guarantee

8.1 The legal right for sale contracts in cases of defective merchandise applies.

8.2 We try very hard to ensure that you receive only quality and undamaged articles from Aurojuli. Should the delivered goods be defective or not correspond to the order despite the care we take, please let us know immediately. In the case of a defect in the article we will resend or repair it, whichever you prefer.

8.3 When the replacement delivery has been made, the client is obliged to return the article delivered first to us within 14 days at our expense. The return delivery of the defective article has to conform to legal presets. We reserve the right to claim damages according to legally set conditions.

8.4 If the improvement doesn't work or if the replacement article is also defective, you can return the article and receive the full price back or keep the article and reduce the price.

9. Data protection

All your data are used exclusively for the completion of the order and are treated confidentially.

Our data protection policy is viewable at:


10. Copyright

The contents and goods generated by Aurojuli on these pages are subject to the German copyright law. The reproduction, alteration, distribution and any other use beyond the parameters of the copyright require the written consent of the author or producer in question. Downloads and copies of these pages are permitted only for private, not commercial, use. If the contents on these pages were not generated by the operator the copyright of a third party must be respected. Contents generated by third parties are indicated as such. Should you nonetheless notice a breach of copyright we ask you to notify us accordingly. When we learn of a legal infraction we will delete the affected contents without delay.

11. Miscellaneous

11.1 To settle disagreements in online trade between consumer and dealers the EU commission has established a platform (the so-called OS platform). You can reach this platform at the following link:


11.2 We will not participate in a disagreement settlement procedure through a user settlement site.

12. Contents and links on our pages

12.1 The product reproductions in the online shop of Aurojuli present the articles offered for sale. In that all articles from Aurojuli are finished by hand it can occur that there are minor deviances in the delivered products which do not constitute defects per se. Each article is unique. We make every effort in the creation of our products to achieve the greatest similarity to the product photo in the online shop.

12.2 The contents of our pages were created with the greatest attention. We cannot, however, accept any responsibility for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the contents. As a service provider we are responsible under §§ 7 Par. 1 TMG for our own contents on these pages. According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG we are, as service providers, however, not obligated to supervise transferred or saved foreign information, or to search for evidence that indicate illegal activity. Obligations for the removal or the blocking of the use of information according to general law are not affected by this. Liability in such a case, though, comes into effect only from the time a concrete breach of the law becomes known. When such a breach of law becomes known the contents will be removed forthwith.

12.3 Our site includes links to external websites from third parties, the contents upon which we have no influence. We therefore cannot accept responsibility for these foreign contents. The actual provider or operator of the pages is liable for the contents of the linked site.
The linked pages were checked for possible legal breaches at the time the link was effected. Illegal contents were not discovered at the moment of linking. A permanent controlling of the link pages, however, without concrete evidence of a breach of the law is not reasonable. As soon as a legal violation becomes known we will immediately remove such links.

13. Final Provisions

The application of UN purchasing law is excluded, German law applies. An order with Aurojuli signifies acceptance of the Aurojuli general terms of service.

If the client doesn't have a legal venue in Germany or in another EU member country, our place of business in Berlin is the exclusive place of jurisdiction for any disputes concerning the contract.

Should individual clauses of the contract, including these general terms of service, be partially or wholly inoperative, the efficacy of the remaining terms stays unaffected.

Current status October 2022