Refund Policy

Cancellation right

You have the right to cancel this contract within 14 days without justification. The right of cancellation is valid for fourteen days from the day that you or a third party named by you who is not the deliverer, have or has taken possession of the product. In order to exercise your cancellation right, you must inform us:

Anke Hentschel-Stüssi
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 11
10178 Berlin

with a clear declaration (i.e. per postal letter or email) about your decision to cancel the contract. You may use the included sample cancellation form but that is not required.

To meet the cancellation deadline it's enough to send off the communication concerning the implementation of the cancellation right before the end of the cancellation period.

Consequences of cancellation

If you cancel the contract, we are obliged to pay back all payments received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs incurred by your choosing a delivery mode different from the standard low-cost delivery offered by us), without delay and no later than fourteen days after the day on which your cancellation of the contract was received by us. For this reimbursement we will utilize the same method of payment you used with the original payment, unless something else was expressly arranged with you; in no way will you be billed costs for this repayment.

We can refuse repayment until we have received the product or until you have provided proof of the return shipment, whichever occurs first.

You must send or hand over the product to us without delay or at the latest within fourteen days from the day you informed us about the cancellation of the contract. The deadline is met if you send the product off before the end of the fourteen-day time period.

You will bear the immediate costs of the return of the goods.

You must only compensate us for a loss of value of the product if such loss of value was caused by undue use by your testing of the product as to its composition, traits, and operation.

End of cancellation guide

Here you can access the cancellation form as a PDF to download.